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Published: 16-Apr-12
Article Branding Your Online Business
What is article marketing? One of the most important aspects of growing any business is branding it, which is creating a name and reputation for it. It is building your reputation and is how you are known. Article marketing is using articles to identify yourself and to help create an image that future customers can identify with and know that you are someone that they want to do business with now and in the future.

Four things that successful branding will incorporate: 1. Name- it has to be recognizable 2. Image- it has to be respectable and appealing 3. Promise- you have to tell them that you can help them 4. Motivation- they have to be motivated to work with you


The name in online marketing has to be something that is recognizable, memorable, and will stand out. The strategies used in giving yourself a name will different because it will most likely be incorporated into your URL in some way. It has to be easy to remember, which means most likely short. It has to stick to the person's mind so it needs to be unique and memorable. It has to be easy to spell so it can be typed into an address bar.

It has to be associated with your key benefit. The name also has to have a relatively generic name in it so it can be readily associated with your product or service, just make sure that it has a unique twist...preferably not with the spelling. Article branding will allow you plenty of opportunities to get your name out there by repeating that name throughout your article. This will help those reading it and others you write associate your name with the topic.


The image you convey has to be appealing to the consumer. They have to want to do business with you. They have to feel good about it. You need to approach this from a couple different fronts. You have to make things appealing to the eye and to the mind and one or both of these have to come to the consumer's mind.

When you are able, use graphics or logo's that will catch the eye and that will help you stick in the person's eye. Also try to present an image that says you can be trusted and respected. Article branding will help you accomplish this in the way you write and the amount of knowledge that you convey. If you set yourself up as a reliable source of information and an authority on the subject through your articles, it will go a long way in helping your image.

Promise and Motiviation:

You have to let the consumer know that you intend on helping them and that you can meet their needs. Article branding will help you establish this because in your articles you are going to be letting them know that you can help them and that it is your desire to meet their needs.

Establishing your brand can be one of the most difficult things for any business to do and many live and die by how well they brand themselves. Large companies give themselves giant budgets to help establish their brand but the Internet levels the playing field. Branding your online entity can be done very inexpensively and efficiently by making use of article writing and article branding.

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Republished with author's permission.