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Published: 23-Apr-14
Building a List Of Followers On Twitter
In this first chapter let's talk a little about how you can start building a large network of friends, clients, associates, and customers using the social networking website Twitter.

Many new users of Twitter are constantly asking how they can use the site more effectively for their business and since the site has grown into an Internet mega monster that is globally known and talked about, they are right to ask. The fact is Twitter is a fantastic tool for your IM business.

Internet relationships are very different from actual personal relationships. They are based primarily on like, know, and trust.

Many people are reaching out to others through social network websites like Twitter, Facebook and many others.

If you are new to Twitter you may not realize that you can create your personal or business brand and virtually dominate your market, simply by building a list of followers.

Setting Up Your Profile

Once you've set up your Twitter account you will want to work on setting up your profile. Twitter lets you easily customize the look and feel of your profile page. You will want to pay close attention to your one line bio.

Bio Line

Because, besides your Tweets, this is what people will read and judge what type of person you are before they decide whether or not they want to follow you. You will only have 160 characters to describe who you are and what you do, so you have to make it good!


It?s essential that you use a real photo of you over an image your company logo. I recommend you use a real photo because people connect with real people and trust a user with a face. A user profile that has a business logo just screams sales and is a turn off for most people.


You also have the option to upload a customized Twitter background to your profile. This is something you will want to utilize ASAP as this is a massive benefit and way to get free exposure for you or your company.

There are a ton of free Twitter backgrounds that you can download edit with photoshop floating around or you might want to get one made up professionally by a designer.

Get Followers

The next thing you will want to do after your profile is set up right is start to get ?followers?. If you have business contacts or an email list that are already using Twitter, invite them to follow you.

Put your twitter url in your emails, on your websites and blogs asking people to follow you. You could even put your Twitter url on your business card, so that you can gather followers from offline as well.

Don't be shy; tell everyone you meet about your Twitter page. Make is sound exciting and let them know that you will be sharing important updates, great tips and information with them if they follow you. You may be surprise to find out that almost everyone will click the follow button just to see what you're up too!

Another thing that I feel that is important especially for Internet marketers is to seek out and follow the ?gurus? and the powerful users of Twitter. This will benefit you in more than one way. It will give you a bird?s eye view of what they?re doing on Twitter, so you can learn how to improve your own results and it will also put you in front of all the people they are in contact with.

Curiosity, you can't fight it, so you may as well take advantage of it. People are curious by nature! They like to see who is following who, so often they will click on the links and check out the followers of people they know and follow them as well and by following the leaders, so to speak you may naturally end up will new followers as well. Just try and keep your target market in mind when you choose ?gurus? to follow.


Now let's talk about getting your Tweets spread even further and increasing the chance of meeting even more people by using 're-tweets?.

Re-tweeting is a common practice on Twitter where you?ll re-post someone else?s tweet that you like and you think your followers will like.

With this method, you take the original twitter message someone else has posted, and rebroadcast that same message to your followers. To do a re-tweet, simply type in RT at the beginning of your tweet and then a @ before the original tweeters username followed by their original tweet.

Now Twitter will let you click the Retweet button on the Twitter website which will set up the RT function automatically.

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Republished with author's permission.