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Published: 18-Jan-14
The What, When, Where and HOW you need to know about PROMOTION to make consistent sales!
By Sandi Hunter

You've been listening to George Kosch's home business training telling you that to make MONEY you need to PROMOTE!

But let's make sure you understand and know where to access the resources you need so you can start DOING this today!

How to promote.

Use the Landing pages (AD EXAMPLES) included in your Worldprofit Member area. On LEFT menu slect ADVERTISING / TRAFFIC the click on AD EXAMPLES. Watch the brief video by George Kosch so you understand and don`t make mistakes and waste time. You can even add a picture of yourself to the landing pages if you like.

Also in your Worldprofit Member area in the same section, look in the mini-menu and click on LIST BUILDER PAGES. These are special landing pages that also help you build your email makreting list by giving away free stuff. You can use these landing pages to help build EXTERNAL LISTS such as those at Aweber, Get Reponse or Mail Chimp. George Kosch has recorded a video to help you understand so you don`t make mistakes. PLEASE watch the video.

What to promote.

Your Worldprofit member area is packed to the rafters with excellent products and services you can sell, and freebies you can offer to entice leads and close sales. Below are just SOME of the areas in your Member area to find the products, services you can sell and stuff you can offer at no cost to entice interest.


LEFT menu CLICKBANK Store, select CLICKBANK Promo Kit, and Banner Promo Kit



WHY promote.

To make money online you must generate a steady supply of leads while buiilding your email marketing list. At Worldprofit your leads are called ASSOCIATES. These are people who sign up on your LANDING PAGES to be a free Associate member. When they do so you then have a lead! If you use the LIST Builder pages mentioned above you also give people the option to join your list! Associates you sign up get automatically added to your Prospect Manager in your member area for easy follow up. Leads are what you need to make sales! Building your email marketing lists mean you have a constant source of people to promote to and sell products to!

When to promote.

Promote as often as you can, whenever you can, but don't skip a dose! No promotion means NO SALES. Let that be your guide for how often and when to promote. When you are hungry you eat. When you need to make money, you PROMOTE!

Where to promote.

Free and low cost ADVERTISING OPTIONS!

LEFT MENU, select SOLO-BLASTER to 30,000


LEFT MENU, select ADVERTISING/Traffic then click on 20+ Income Streams


LEFT menu, select ADVERTISING/Traffic then click on SOLO ADS to 81,000

LEFT menu, select ADVERTISING/Traffic then click on BANNER PROMO KIT

LEFT menu, select ADVERTISING/Traffic then click on GREAT AD SOURCES

LEFT menu, select WORLDPROFIT MARKETPLACE then click on ADD/EDIT your website

TOP menu, select PROMO-BOTS. Watch the video to understand how to benefit from this automated tool for promotion.

Left menu, select ADVERTISING/Traffic then click on FAST TRACK to join our own ad co-op.

There are even more resources in the Advertising/Traffic section so your time is well spent investigating on your own.


Other helpful stuff to help you with your PROMOTION.

Magic List Builder - this is POWERFUL! TOP MENU, select MAGIC LIST BUILDER. Watch the video to see how to use this to get leads and build your email marketing lists

Knowing if your advertising efforts are working is CRITICAL! So track your ads and clicks with Worldprofit's AD TRACKER. Left menu, under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC select AD TRACKER (it's free).

If you want an even more sophisticated way of tracking your ads, on LEFT MENU, under MONEY MAKERS section, select ADVANCED LINK TRACKER for a paid option of tracking your ads.

Easily organize all your promotion using Worldprofit's Lead Funnel, Link Manager and Promo Organizer. All 3 tools can be found under LEFT MENU under MONEY MAKERS then look for the names on the sub-menu.


Additional Tools for the more advanced marketers

Worldprofit's Landing Page Builder - LEFT MENU under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC select LANDING PAGE BUILDER

Squeeze page builder - LEFT MENU under ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC select SQUEEZE PAGE BUILDER Worldprofit's

Lazy Blogger System - LEFT MENU select WEBSITE MANAGEMENT then click on Lazy Blogger System.

Ebooks are great lead generators. Use Worldprofit's Ebook creator (it's free). On LEFT MENU, under MONEY MAKERS section, select Article Ebook Creator and also Ebook Rebrander. There you will also find content for your ebooks, and easy to use ebook cover creators and more.

Ok we are going to stop there as we think we've given you enough to keep you busy.

*********** Final words.

Don't get caught up in the details, just DO IT. Promote that is. Don't expect to learn it all in one day, or get instant results.

If you get stuck submit a support request form and ask for help. We are here 7 days a week to help you. No other company provides you the number of tools we do, the variety of nique resources, the in depth training and the level of support as Worldprofit does. Take advantage of us and what your Worldprofit membership includes.

Try to attend the weekly interactive LIVE home business bootcamp training with George Kosch (or watch the recording). We offer this training for you! We know how to do this stuff, so the purpose of the training is to provide demonstrations and answer your questions as we teach YOU how to build your own successful online business. Make a commitment to yourself to learn and create a stronger financial future for yourself and your family. That starts with following the training, doing your promotions and giving yourself time to see results.

Mega Profit Product Showcase:

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About Sandi Hunter and Worldprofit.

Sandi Hunter is the Director of Website Development at Worldprofit and oversees all training and customer support departments.

Looking for way to earn at home? Worldprofit's training program provides you with services and products you can sell to earn 20 - 100% commission along with traffic, leads, advertising, software, training and support 365 days a year. Sign up for a free Associate membership with no obligation to see for yourself how Worldprofit can help you learn how to earn at home. This is not a simple coaching program we are a complete, intensive training and hands-on support company now in our 20th year of business.

Republished with author's permission.