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Published: 03-Jan-14
Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Friday Jan 3rd, 2014 with marketing expert George Kosch from Worldprofit Inc.
George Kosch started the LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training session promptly at 8 AM on Friday Jan 3rd, 2014.

First, a few introductory notes…

CONGRATULATIONS to LINDA ELZE for being the Top Seller for the month of December, in fact for the entire year 2013! George recognized that Linda is an extremely hard-working person who understands the power of consistent promotion to build a list and generate leads equals sales! A tribute to Linda recognizing her achievement will be held mid January, details to be announced.

George continued by congratulating everyone who made sales this past year, whether you were on the Top Sellers list or not, you deserve a pat on the back. It’s a tough business, and a tough economy right now, those of you who sink your teeth into the training and do your promotions will start to see increasing results. Take 3 parts hard work, 3 parts training, and 3 parts patience and you will be on your way in 2014 to consistent income.

George extended a HUGE THANK YOU to the Monitors who volunteer their time to man Worldprofit’s Live Business Center 24 hours a day. These fine people are helping others in our home business community, while they themselves learn about online marketing, and are building their own online business. The holidays are tough times to fill, to each of you came through and helped filled gaps – please know how much we appreciate you!

For those members interested in upgrading from Silver membership to Platinum VIP membership, the offer to do so for an additional $49.95/month has been extended. If you want to know all that is included (and there is a TON) submit a Support Request form for the VIP UPGRADE DETAILS!

Topics covered during the training session

1. George demonstrated Worldprofit’s Advanced Graphics Suite Software. George Kosch has purchased the rights to a Graphics Software Suite that is now installed on all Platinum VIP Members accounts at NO COST. This software is super-easy to use and allows you to quickly create Image Covers for your Facebook Profiles, groups etc. PLUS you can create beautiful banners, headers, video overlays, graphics for your YouTube Channels, and for Google hangouts. If you were to purchase this software on your own you would pay $197 per program – per year! We are including ALL 3 programs at no extra cost exclusively to our Platinum VIP Members. That’s $600 of value – you don’t pay a dime extra. Access: This software is ready now and all current and new Platinum VIP Members can access it on the LEFT MENU under WEBSITE MANAGEMENT. Some of you have already dug in and created some BEAUTIFUL promotion materials.

2. A number of Members have expressed interest in promoting a local retail type of business so George spend some time talking about how to promote a local business. He gave the example of a local blinds business, and what he did to help that business owner generate targeted traffic in a specific local region. He explained how promotion for a local regional business differs from promoting an online business and what you need to do to get results for a targeted market.

3. George reviewed what Free Associate members get and how the Worldprofit system works for you in so many different ways to encourage upgrades to paid Silver membership.

4. Worldprofit has now passed the mark for 2 million free Associate members!

5. Members are reminded that Silver and Platinum VIP Members get:

- SUPPORT 24 hours a day, 365 days a year - the online home business bootcamp training – now with 85 lessons that you can do at your own pace. - commissions of 20 – 100% and details are in your member area under the Commission section. - the unique powerful advantage of a 24 HOUR Live Business Center that has ONE purpose to help CLOSE your sales (no where else will you find this!)

Questions are encouraged during the training session and George tried to answer as many questions as possible. If you did not get a question answered, just submit a Support Request form and a member of our help team will get back to you as soon as possible.

Thank you to each of you who attended the LIVE interactive bootcamp training session. The recorded version will be posted to your member area in the next 24 hours to the TRAINING section on the TOP menu.

Next LIVE training with George Kosch is Friday January 10th, 2014.

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Republished with author's permission.