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Published: 13-Dec-13
Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch
Review: Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch

Topics covered in today's training.

Overview of Worldprofit's Home Business Earn at home training program - infographic

Being Realistic about how much you can make, how soon, and what you have to do CONSISTENTLY to make it happen.

Understanding what is the #1 concept that successful marketers understand that others don't.

Why you need to laugh and trash the email pitches that claim you can make $30,000 a month without lifing a finger.

List Building and Lead Generation - two inseparable friends critical for building your successful online business.


George reminded Members that today is the last day for the Special Savings Offer to upgrade from Silver Membership to Platinum VIP Membership. If interested submit a Support Request form.


Member Updates

1. New Templates added to the Landing Page Builder Gallery. ALL Silver and Platinum VIP Members get the Landing Page Builder at NO COST allowing you to EASILY and QUICKLY create unlimited landing pages for any and ALL your affiliate programs and business opportunities, products, ebooks, services, one time offers etc.

2. Worldprofit's GraphixMaker System

Use this tool to easily create headers, and other customized design with NO Graphic design experience of special skills. George gave a demonstration of how to use this software that is INCLUDED in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership. There is a video overview of Worldprofit's GraphixMaker in your member area.

3. New products added to the Goody Bag area - Silver and Platinum VIP Members get ALL of the products located in the Goody Bag area at NO cost. The link to the Worldprofit Goody Bag is on the LEFT menu in your member area.

4. Worldprofit is close now to passing 2 million free Associate Members.

5. WordPress: a) Importance of updating your plugins on your WordPress theme and how to do it. b) What you need to know and do about automated fake (spam) comments on your blog.

6. Website Management System (formerly called Content Management System) This is included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership and allows you to add pages, affiliate code, banners, links and so forth to your website. Look for this on your left menu in your member area.

7. Advertising resources. For those interested in reputable paid advertising, in your member area under TOP MENU, select Ad Examples, then click on the SOLO AD PLAY BOOK, also review the recommended places to advertise.

8. has been updated so surfing should be fine on ALL browsers now.

Discussion Points

Google and how they rank sites. What you need to know as an online business owner. Social Media, Facebook and Twitter, what you need to know and DO to naturally increase your ranking. Don't get your Twitter account shut down by abusing their system, post content of value, Dr. Lant's articles, mix it up. Don't just promote products with questionable or red flag titles. Don't make the mistake of automating or outsourcing your social media strategy, you will regret it.

Resources referenced in today's training.

Fiverr Aweber Get Response IBO Tool Box Safe-Swaps

Your Homework Assignment

1. Work on Building your list. If you don't know how to do this, watch the first 2 Videos for Beginners. You must understand the basics. 2. Promote the Ad Examples to generate Associate sign ups - every day. 3. Understand that building your list and doing your daily promotions to get leads is what will generate SALES. 4. Commit with ACTION to doing this consistently so 2014 is your BEST YEAR yet for online earnings.

Thank you to each of you who attended the LIVE training program. The recorded version will be posted to your Worldprofit Member area within 24 hours.

The next LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch is on Friday.

Mega Profit Product Showcase:

» Truth About Abs - Why excess abdominal fat is more DEADLY than you think

Worldprofit helps people learn how to earn online. Now in our 20th year of business we provide tools, resources and unique interactive training so you can learn how to earn at home using reputable online sources. No hype, just help!

Republished with author's permission.