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Published: 29-Nov-13
Review: Home Business Bootcamp Training by George Kosch
Review LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch

George Kosch spent time talking about the free Worldprofit Associate program specifically what it is, what Associates have access to and why Associates are so important to you in building your online business.

Discussion Topics:

How the Worldprofit system is working in the background for you, what you need to know.

Landing pages and list Building was the next topic with on screen examples and discussion.

George demonstrated the new Autoresponder Sequences now available. You can find them in your Member area under the TOP MENU select WEBSITE Management.

Demonstration of Blogs and Plugins, CPanel hosting available to Worldprofit Members.

George spent some time on the multiple sources of income available within your Worldprofit Member area.

The road to online income begins with and continues, from doing promotion, constant promotion while building your email marketing lists.

Worldprofit offers so many products and services that Members can miss some valuable resources so George spend time pointing out sections of the Member area.

Worldprofit Resources discussed or demonstrated during today's training.

Traffic Multiplier PLR Store Article Directory E-book Creator Pre-Built Blogs Link Manager Promo Bots Instant Ebook Cover Creator Instant Banner Creator Instant Infographics Creator Worldprofit Marketplace Personal Live Business Center SEO Optimizer Pro

Throughout the training George took questions from participants.

Comments from participants

Marc: I've lost thousands of dollars in the last couple of years, and WP is the only Co. that is paying me back! So Thank you George!

Brenda: are the autoresponder sequences available at this time?

Gary: where do i get these to promote

Brenda: thank you george.These are fabulous

Richard: I would like to say this is more thaN I bargained for I love what you're doing here I'm sure the people know that it takes time to get the hang of it'

Vijian: Thank you George

Gary: Thanks Much George

Wallace: Fantastic George, Well Done

* * * * * * * * * *

Thank you to everyone who attended the LIVE training. The Home Business Bootcamp recording will be posted to your Worldprofit member area within 24 hours under the TRAINING SECTION on top menu.

Next LIVE training is Friday at 8 AM. EVERY Friday!

Mega Profit Product Showcase:

» Paid Online Writing Jobs - Get paid to write short Facebook ads ($320.00 per day)

For 20 years now, Worldprofit has been providing tools, resources and training to people around the world who want to learn how to earn at home. Sign up for a free Associate membership today and see for yourself how we can help you build your own successful online business.

Republished with author's permission.