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Published: 08-Nov-13
Review: LIVE Home Business Bootcamp with George Kosch Friday November 8, 2013.

That's what George Kosch told participants about Worldprofit's new software, the Landing Page Builder.

"When you see what this software can do your head is going to EXPLODE!"

The webcast was packed! Everyone was eager to see George Kosch demonstrate Worldprofit's Landing Page Builder. The feedback from Members after seeing the new software - could only be described as TOTAL excitement and eagerness to get it.

The Landing Page Builder software allows you to create unlimited BEAUTIFUL landing pages (for ANY business) - within minutes - with ONE CLICK !

-Really. In MINUTES! No exaggeration.

-Super-easy for EVERYONE to use.

-No technical or graphics expertise required.

-You get to pick the template from a Gallery, add in your own headlines etc. Press SAVE.

-With ONE CLICK you can create professional eye-catching Landing Page for any and ALL your businesses, affiliates, ebooks, etc.

-The Landing pages you create are stored on YOUR domain - a critical point for promotion

Why is this software so valuable to you?

Landing pages generate LEADS. Leads build your list. Leads and lists generate SALES!

What are we charging for this new software?


Worldprofit Members get this software exclusively at NO extra cost. It's INCLUDED in your Silver or Platinum VIP membership. Retail value is $297.

RELEASE DATE: Worldprofit's Landing page Builder will be officially released for Member use this weekend. Watch the Bootcamp Newsletter or the Message Center for notification the moment it's released.

Following the software demonstration, George took more questions.

Additional Discussions Topics

-You Tube Channels: Why you should get one and post videos on a regular basis.

Comments from participants after seeing the Landing Page Builder software

howie: so we can use this for any site we might promote?

Garry: do you ever take time off George

Gilbert: This is a big learning curve for me, but very exciting.

Vijian: Thank you George. It's mind blowing

howie: we can use the ebook creator tool

howie: you are the man George

Inge: love you George great Boot Camp thanks :-)

Tania: George you keep on amazing us

Richard: This is such an amazing tool George!

howie: so we could run this on safeswaps

Inge: very well done

Joshua: Great Job George

Vasco: awesome George...

Constance: Awesome

Tania: hats off to you George

howie: search engines will love this for ranking

Garry: i can't wait to try all this

Richard: Remarkable job George!

Barbara: That is amazing

John: I am very impressed by all the brilliance being shared here!

Kevin: Thank you so much...This is really great...

William: There is always something to learn every day in Worldprofit... I love it

Marc: Learning is like breathing you cant stop!


The recording of today's LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training will be posted to the Worldprofit Member area, TRAINING SECTION, within 24 hours.

Worldprofit's NEXT LIVE Home Business Training is Friday. EVERY FRIDAY!

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Republished with author's permission.