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Published: 01-Nov-13
Review Home Business Bootcamp Training with marketing expert George Kosch, Nov 1, 2013
Home Business Bootcamp Training November 1, 2013 with George Kosch.

Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch opened the training with a little bit about himself, his military training and his time in the Canadian Armed forces as a jet pilot.

What's Worldprofit all about?

At Worldprofit we teach you how to build an online business and that includes lead generation techniques, traffic strategies, sources of legitimate income, online promotion and list building. We use the Worldprofit model as the base, and you can apply the principles and skills you learn to build ANY online business. We provide you with multiple sources of income with commission earnings varying from 20 % - 100%. The key to generating online income is to have access to solid products and services you can sell online, knowing how to market, what exactly to promote and where to promote. Worldprofit's online bootcamp now has over 80 lessons that you can progress through at your own pace to learn about online marketing, about social media, about affiliate marketing, about list building, lead generation, traffic tools, ad tracking, specialized software and more included in your Membership. The lessons teach you about the products, services and software included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership as well as you teach you important concepts, strategies and trusted income sources.


George demonstrated a new Worldprofit site launch, Free registration allows you to earn INSTANT commissions up to 70% while generating traffic for any and all your affiliate programs. Members can find the link within their Member area, on LEFT MENU select ADVERTISING/TRAFFIC then click on 20+ INCOME TRAFFIC Streams. Watch the BRIEF video so you undesrtand how to maximize your earnings in this new program. There are also CASH PRIZES in the Membership Contest!

Update on Worldprofit`s new Landing Page Builder software

In-house work continues on this new value-added service available exclusively for Worldprofit Members with planned release in 10 - 14 days. This custom software will permit you to EASILY and INSTANTLY set up landing pages on your site, with or without video, Google hangouts etc.

Recommended Sites and Resources referenced in today`s training:

FireFox Browser - HIGHLY recommended Kaspersky - HIGHLY recommended Safe-Swaps - HIGHLY recommended Get Response - HIGHLY recommended IBO - HIGHLY recommended Video by Top Seller Linda Elze - HIGHLY recommended Fast Track Visitors HIGHLY recommended CB Engine - HIGHLY recommended

George welcomed and answered all questions so that the training is meaningful to participants.

Thank you to each of you who attended the LIVE training. We appreciate your questions, comments and feedback.

The recording of the LIVE session will be posted to your Worldprofit Member area in the next 24 hours in the TRAINING section.

Next LIVE Home Business Training with George Kosch is Friday November 8th, 2013 at 8 AM CT. We hope to see you there!

Mega Profit Product Showcase:

» SaleHoo - New Product Sourcing Directory [Video Tour Included]

If you are reading this and not a Worldprofit member, join over one million people worldwide who already are so you can take advantage of the training and reputable income opportunities.

Republished with author's permission.