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Published: 17-May-13
Review: Home Business Bootcamp LIVE training session May 17, 2013 with Marketing Expert George Kosch.
Home Business Bootcamp Instructor, George Kosch welcomed participants to the online training program.

The best teachers are the ones who actually DO what they are teaching you.

A person who is DOING what he is showing and telling you to do.

A person who is achieving success and showing you step by step how to do the same.

George Kosch tests and uses advertising sources, products, software strategies EVERY DAY to find out what works, what doesn't work and help you understand what to do to achieve success.

Would you learn how to juggle from someone who had not mastered the skill them self?

Would you learn how to skydive from someone who had never jumped out a plane them-self?

What about learning to fly from anyone other than a certified pilot?

Of course not! If you want to learn a new skill and excel at that skill you need instruction from someone who has actually achieved that exceedingly level of competency and expertise themself.

When it comes to online marketing, George Kosch IS the expert. He's been in the business for close to 20 years. He will save you time, money, headache and frustration by showing you what you need to do and NOT do. His military background gives him a unique, down to earn, no-fluff, brutally honest style of teaching.

Important sections of your Worldprofit Member area referenced in today's training.

Advertising/Traffic section ClickBank section Search Engine Optimization section Training section Ad Examples section (landing pages) Great Ad Sources Free advertising options Paid Advertising options


Importance of consistent promotion The critical importance of Lead Generation - no leads no business! No leads - no sales! Landing pages Ad Copy Worldprofit's Program and training fundamentals are applicable to ANY online business - learn to ride one bike, and you can ride any bike! List Building Catering to the needs of all online entrepreneurs with multiple product and services = multiple streams of income

Thank you to EVERYONE who attended the training session today. We appreciate your participation, questions and enthusiasm. The Worldprofit home business community is unique, members learning and sharing.

The recording of the training will be posted within 24 hours to the TRAINING section of the Worldprofit Member area.

Mega Profit Product Showcase:

» Sqribble - WATCH THIS: Create a product in 60 seconds!

About Worldprofit

Worldprofit is a training company started in 1994, that teaches people all over the world how to use the power of the Internet to earn from home. Specializing in online marketing, software, advertising resources and more all geared for the small or home based business. Get a free Associate Membership to see how Worldprofit can help you build your own successful online business.

Republished with author's permission.