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Published: 18-Jan-13
Review: Jan 18, 2013 LIVE Home Business Bootcamp Training with George Kosch.
To better meet the learning needs of both new Worldprofit Members and our more experienced Members, today's Home Business Bootcamp Training was split into two segments.

George Kosch, Worldprofit's marketing expert provided both Basic Training and Advanced Training

Basic Training Elements

New members put your emphasis on focusing on the training, and learning how to promote. If you are new to online marketing you need to understand how important promotion is to your success and absorb the material we are presenting. Avoid the temptation to jump ahead, and avoid trying to learn it all in a few days. Go step by step, lesson by lesson. Pointers and how to stay organized and why this is important. Directions on how to access the training videos. The concept of a landing page for lead generation. New Members are directed to the TRAINING section of the Member area where the BEGINNERS video is located as well as other helpful topics.

Advanced Training Elements

This segment is for Members who have been with Worldprofit for at least 3 months.

Today's Tip ( this is REAL and legitimate): How to get your site on the first page of Google.

In depth discussion about Google, site ranking, key word tools and analysis along with recommendation

Two recommended products for ADVANCED members. interested in search engine ranking. You will find both of these in your member area under the MONEY MAKERS section.

Backlink Automater LongTail Pro (I have purchased and used this course for my own learning and highly recommend)

Development: What's coming very soon...

George revealed he is building a new navigation bar for the benefit of all Silver and Platinum VIP Members and demonstrated the capabilities of this Navigation header With this you can: -pick the pages you want to add this to -includes fields for email entry for list building -includes customizable text section -more to come

IMPORTANT NOTE for NEW Worldprofit Members:

If you are brand new to Worldprofit and feeling a little overwhelmed by the amount of information you have been provided, or the various terms being use, we urge you watch the BASIC TRAINING VIDEO. The basic training video covers terms you should know, the basics of our program and what you need to focus on to get on track to making money online with the Worldprofit system. Find this video in your Member area, on the TOP MENU select TRAINING then click on the link for the video that is marked as the MUST WATCH BEGINNER'S VIDEO. If you have any questions submit a Support form so we can also help you that way.

Thank you to each of you for participating in today's LIVE interactive Home business bootcamp training. Attending the training, then actually DOING what is taught is the key to your success in building your online business and earning income.

We had lots of questions today and we encourage this. The LIVE training is the perfect opportunity to tap into George Kosch's expertise and get direct instant answers with on-screen demonstration as relevant.


Today's LIVE home business training BASIC session with George Kosch ran for 40 minutes. This was followed by an Advanced Training Session that ran for 40 minutes.

The recordings of both sessions will be posted to the Worldprofit Member area (under top menu TRAINING) for the convenience of those not able to attend the LIVE training.

Reminder to all Worldprofit Members, you can access 60+ training lessons with your Member area, self-paced and accompanied by screen captures, examples. Watch when convenient for you. The online training videos, screen captures and lesson plans are included in your Silver or Platinum VIP Membership.

Next LIVE training session: Friday January 25, 2013 at 10 AM CT .

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About Worldprofit

About Worldprofit. Worldprofit is a home based training company providing tools, resources, software and LIVE and recorded training to help people earn money from home. Started on a kitchen table in 1994, Worldprofit now has over a million free Associate members. Find out how Worldprofit can help you make money from home from a number of reputable income sources.

Republished with author's permission.