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Published: 13-Nov-12
Evaluate Your Business Home Marketing Business
No one wants to waste time and money on something that doesn't work for them. As a home business owner this applies to you as well. As a small business owner you have even less wiggle room than a bigger company so you need to be able to spot both good and bad changes as soon as possible. You need to be able to carefully evaluate your business home internet marketing promotion.

Once you know how to evaluate your business home internet marketing promotion you can decide which promotion(s) is working, which one isn't and how best to proceed.

One easy way to do this online is to add code to your site, or use your c-panel information, to track the amount of traffic you are getting. This is one of the most important elements of any business... the amount of traffic they are getting. Of course, this is only one thing that needs to be tracked. Another very important metric you need to keep track of is conversions.

Getting a ton of traffic is great, but it's only part of the overall picture. A ton of traffic won't do you a bit of good if you can't convert that traffic in some way. A conversion could mean a sale or just getting someone to sign up to your email list so you can continue to contact them over time and build trust and rapport with them.

Then, after you've built that trust, you will be able to turn many of those people into paying, lifelong, customers. But how can you gauge what is working to increase traffic or conversions?

Like I mentioned above, you need a way to track that information by adding code to your site. But, that is only the "how" you also need to know the "what".

One big mistake some website owners make is that they get too anxious to increase their traffic and conversions. They are of the "if one is good two must be better" school of thought.

So instead of just making one change at a time and then waiting for a few weeks or months to see what, if any, effect that change had on traffic or conversions they make a bunch of changes all at once and / or they make one change and then get inpatient and don't wait long enough to see what affect that change had on traffic and conversions so they make another change.

If you take such a haphazard approach to making changes, it will be virtually impossible for you to identify which changes have helped, which ones hurt and which ones didn't do anything.

You need to make just one change at a time. And then you need to wait long enough to be able to determine if that change had any effect on the performance of your site. How long you will have to wait will be determined in large part by the changes you want to see. For example, if you have made a change that should give you more traffic that may show up almost immediately.

You still have to wait for a week or two to make sure that something else hasn't had an affect on your traffic rates such as a holiday, bad weather in a certain part of the world, or some other issue that may have resulted in a change to your traffic levels.

Once you've waited long enough to determine that the change you made is the most likely reason for any changes that you saw either in traffic or conversions, you should than try to make another change. By continuing to do this, you can optimize your website and get the most out of all the visitors you get as well as getting more visitors in the first place!

Evaluate your business home internet marketing promotion in this way to get the biggest bang from all you do online.

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Republished with author's permission.