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Published: 29-Oct-12
Online Marketing Terms-Learn The Terms In Your Niche
When running a business one of the first things you need to learn to succeed are the terms used in your niche. Working online is by no means any exception. If you want to be successful on the internet, you need to learn what the most used online marketing terms mean. There are a lot of sources on the internet that you can use to help create and grow your business, but often times they will be filled with terms and words you do not know.

To be the most efficient you need to know what these terms mean, so to help you with that this article will go through some of the most common terms that you will see when working online.

1: Article Marketing. Article marketing is a form of advertising used on the internet. You write up an article similar to this one, no shorter than five hundred words, and you put your carefully selected keyword in your article about three times (no more as it actually hinders you) as well as in your article title. Then you post that article to various directories so that people see it, read it, and are directed to your website.

2: Keyword. As I mentioned above, keywords are used in article marketing, but what are keywords? Keywords are actually one of the most important online marketing terms you will learn. They are the phrases people put into searches. If you go to google and type in a phrase to look for something, say... "digital book readers", that is a keyword. You want such keywords that are relevant to your niche so that when people search for that keyword, they are directed to your website.

3: Email Marketing. Another form of marketing on the internet involves building a list of people who are interested in your product. You direct them to a sign up page on your website where they can opt into your email list, and from there you send them informative emails that give them snippets of information regarding your product and builds a rapport between you and your potential customers. It is a proven fact that people are more likely to buy from someone they trust, and that is the purpose of email marketing.

4: Pay Per Click. PPC is where you put an ad for your website on other websites, and when someone clicks that ad you have to pay for it. It is basically just traditional advertising, but you only have to pay if someone actually uses it to go to your website. This is not the best method to use for those first starting out, as it is not the most efficient and it can also be quite expensive.

5: Search Engine Optimization. SEO is one of the most common online marketing terms you will see because it is one of the most important. SEO is basically what determines what page your website ends up on in a search engine. You want to be closer to page 1, so using SEO is what allows you to do that.

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