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Published: 29-Oct-12
Marketing A SEO Business-Dont Make Five Common Mistakes
In marketing a SEO business you need to make certain promises to the customers you find. These promises include helping them improve their overall layout and presentation on their website.

There are five mistakes that business owners make that you could fix by marketing a SEO business.

The five most common mistakes that business owners make are as follows:

1. Poor website design - Visitors to a website site need to be able to find what they are looking for in a timely manner. If not then they will just find someone else to do business with. Websites must be user-friendly and search engine friendly to be successful.

2. Lack of visibility - Business owners do not use the specific keywords and phrases in the content they place on their website that they need to let potential customers find them. If they are invisible to the online world their business will not be a success.

3. Lack of quality content - Quality, written content is the best way to draw visitors and search engine spiders to a site to increase search engine rankings. This means that the content must be updated regularly and be relevant to the product, service, or niche it is supposed to be associated with.

4. Use of "black hat" tactics - Black Hat techniques include techniques that are unethical and frowned upon by search engine spiders. These techniques include keyword stuffing, doorway pages, invisible text, and more.

Black hat tactics will raise your site ranking, but only temporarily. The search engine spiders have become very adept at detecting the use of such tactics and will eventually penalize you for using them.

5. Incorrect use of Meta tags - Meta tags include title tags, keyword tags, and description tags. While not as important as keywords and the content included on a website for optimization, meta tags do have their place in the optimization of a website.

Using meta tags correctly let the spiders learn all about the website when they get to it so they can see that the site is legitimate and relevant. Meta tags must be included on and targeted for every single page of a website.

If you target customers who are lacking the knowledge to successfully execute their websites efficiently then you will have no problem increasing your bottom line as well as your customer's.

Be certain you know what you are doing and make sure you talk to your customers first so you know exactly where the problems lie. Fixing someone else's problems can be quite profitable, if done correctly.

Whether or not you guarantee results is up to you but, if you do, you better deliver. With your very first customer, you will have their livelihood in your hands and they are counting on you to make things better and increase their search engine rankings AND their bottom line. Do everything in your power not to let them down.

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