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Published: 29-Oct-12
Maintain Your Seo-Continue To Holding On To High Rankings
The most important aspect of marketing online is learning how to maintain your SEO so you can continue to hold on to your high ranking on the search engines.

If you are new to the idea of internet marketing and Search Engine Optimization, let's go over what it all means.

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a marketing technique used by online business owners to increase the flow of organic traffic (visitors) to their website by ranking high on the search engine result pages, or SERPs.

The majority of searchers rarely look beyond the first few results on page one. If you are not in the top five results on page one of the results pages you could be losing a lot of business.

This is because searchers perceive the first five to ten results on page one of the results pages to be the most trustworthy and the authority in their field, therefore, they get the searchers business.

They may be called searchers but that is only a term, not a lifestyle. People want to find what they want quickly they really do not want to have to "search" for it like in a scavenger hunt.

The reason it is so important to use Search Engine Optimization is for the benefits it can bring you, as the business owner. If you maintain your SEO and use the techniques like article writing, back linking, and social media marketing to their fullest you should have a well rounded marketing plan that works well for you.

All of these together should make the search engines like you and want to rank you among the highest on the results pages. The social media marketing may end up costing you some money but the others are free, unless you need to hire someone to do them for you, and drive traffic to your site naturally.

As long as you stay within the guidelines set forth by the search engines and continue to post relevant content on your site you should be just fine. This is all referred to as "white hat" techniques.

As the search engines continue to send out their spiders to crawl around on websites to make sure they are doing what they are supposed to be doing and doing it right you will be able to enjoy spending time at the top of the results pages for the long term.

Once you reach the top, though, you cannot just sit on your laurels and expect to stay there. It is a continual battle to remain there. Never stop doing keyword research and never stop posting relevant content on your site and with your back linking.

The search engines love relevant content so, by maintaining your site with relevant content you give them what they love and they do not leave your site wanting more and they will reward you with a high ranking.

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