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Published: 29-Oct-12
Least Expensive SEO To Add To Your Business
The least expensive SEO to add to your business is the kind you figure out how to do yourself. It would stand to reason that if you do not have to hire someone to do something for you you will save money.

That said, the least expensive SEO to add to your business is most likely article writing.

Sit down an write yourself a quality article relating to your product, service or niche then submit it to some article directories. There are hundreds, maybe even thousands to choose from but you want to make sure that you get to the best, most popular ones.

So, you could do a search and try to negotiate your way through the ocean of directories out there or you could simplify the process and just go to forums that specialize in internet marketing and ask the people there what article directories are the best to submit to.

Remember that submitting to article directories is not an automatic thing you will need to undergo an approval process before your article gets posted on the directory but unless your article is complete garbage you should not have any problem with this.

Here is what you do:

1. Write an article and post it on your blog first.

2. You have your choice of either rewriting that article or not, and then submitting it to the article directories.

3. Make sure (by reading the terms of service thoroughly) that you can submit the exact same article to all the directories. Sometimes you will not be able to submit the exact same article and you will have to rewrite it.

This is all done for SEO, obviously, and the all important back linking. And you can do it all for free.

People will read your article and, you hope, come to your website. This is driving traffic to your website. The more articles you write and submit the more traffic you get to your site and the more sales you make.

Maybe this is why this method has stood the test of time. It is easy to do and gets good results for anyone who does it.

The more back links you have out there is good for your search engine ranking as well. The more you have the better. If it is easy for someone, including the search engines, to find you the better your ranking will be.

The search engines will see how popular your site is and that you post relevant, interesting content on your site or your blog and reward you. SEO helps you tell the world, and the search engines, what your website is all about.

When you write your article make sure that it is at least 500 words and that it has your keyword in the title, in the first paragraph, somewhere in the body of the article, and in the last paragraph. Any more than that is considered keyword stuffing and you will actually lose ranking instead of building it up.

Article writing is the least expensive SEO to add to your business.

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