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Published: 13-Oct-12
Your Pay Per Click Search Engine Submission Campaign
Pay per click search engine submission can actually help you get traffic without paying for pay per click marketing. Pay per click marketing involves paying for each person that clicks an ad to get your website. Search engine submission usually involves getting search engines to notice your site.

But pay per click search engine submission is a specific type of marketing. When you start a pay per click (ppc) campaign, your site won?t necessarily show up on a search results page. It might show up on another website that?s part of the network.

If your website is about roses, for instance, your pay per click ad might show up on a site with information about roses. This will help visitors of that site who are obviously interested in roses find your site through the ad.

But pay per click search engine submission campaigns help your add show up on a search results page when someone searches for information about roses. It can also involve strategic search engine submission of your site to raise its visibility.

Some advertising campaigns use ppc marketing, search engine submission, search engine optimization techniques and a variety of other techniques combined to give a website the most exposure possible.

To use pay per click search engine submission to get lots of traffic without paying for an advertising campaign, you need to use good SEO techniques. Through search engine optimization you can get your site listed on the first page of search engine results for specific keywords.

By doing this, for no cost at all your site is featured for a specific keyword, just as the paid ads are. Search engine optimization techniques like making sure the keyword shows up a certain number of times in your page can help you achieve that high ranking.

Getting other websites to link to your site will also increase its ranking. Also, having several pages on your website that are all rich with the keywords you?re looking for can help your site rank higher.

If your site is about propagating hybrid roses, then make sure that phrase makes up about 1.5% to 2% of the text on one of your web pages. Use a keyword tool online to find the percentage, or just make sure it shows up 5 to 7 times per 500 words or so.

Make sure the phrase is in the title of your page, the first sentence of text, and in your meta description. Submit the site to the search engines (or just wait for their bots to crawl your page and save it in their cache) and then see where your site ranks.

Search on your chosen keyword in a search engine of choice like Google. If your site is among the first few that show up in the results, then your SEO results have been successful.

Your site is getting as much exposure through pay per click search engine submission as those ads you see on the right, and you?ve done it all for free.

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