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Published: 28-Jun-12
AdWords Elite-Get Targeted Traffic For Your Website
Getting targeted traffic to a website is one of the most important aspects of internet marketing. While there are several ways to do this, none of them cause as much confusion and anxiety as Google AdWords. That's why Jason O'Brien has put together one of the best-known home study courses on the subject: AdWords Elite.

Jason claims that people can go from $0 day to $200 a day by following the course for as little as one week. To make an even bolder claim, he says that this can all be done in about two hours per day. Needless to say, such claims should make anybody wonder about their accuracy. So, the question is whether it really is possible, and if it is something that you would like to do.

Perhaps it's a good idea to take a moment or two to explain what AdWords is. When you search for something on Google, you will notice that there are two different types of listings in the results. There are the normal results (also referred to as 'organic') which account for the vast majority of what you see. Then there are the paid results which normally appear at the very top of the normal listings, and also to the right side. If you look closely you will notice some indication that these are indeed ads.

AdWords is how those ads get there, and AdWords Elite promises to show you how to capitalize on them. With AdWords you select your keywords (the terms a searcher would most likely enter to find your offer), build your ad, and then set up a budget. You pay Google money every time someone clicks on a link in one of your AdWords ads. Therefore, it is critical that you not only set up a good ad, but that you are able to turn those clicks into revenue.

At first, it all sounds quite simple: create an ad and everybody that clicks will buy something. That may be true, but a lot of people have lost a lot of money by trying "this AdWords thing". That's because there are several elements that go into running an effective and profitable AdWords campaign. Also, depending on your niche, you could be placing ads against some very savvy competition.

AdWords Elite basically shows you everything you need to know, from choosing the best keywords to crafting a good ad, from choosing the right products to getting higher sales conversions. At first it can seem like a daunting task, but Mr. O'Brien has put it all together in an easy-to-follow format that takes you by the hand and gets you from zero to profit in a few short days. If you are interested in capitalizing on the search traffic that Google generates, then AdWords Elite is a very wise investment.

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