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Published: 27-May-12
Choose Poor Keywords - Get Poor Adsense Conversion
If you choose poor keywords you are going to get poor Adsense conversion. It is as simple as that. If you are tired of getting a penny per click, then look into what keywords you are using. If you want to have higher Adsense conversion rates it is going to help for you to find those keywords that are going to bring you higher Adsense revenue per click. You can make money with Adsense but how much depends on how well you use it.

What makes Google Adsense and Adwords so beneficial you aren't just shooting an advert to millions who aren't going to be interested in what you are trying to advertise or aren't likely to buy. You are able to customize an ad just for them based on where they are going on the ad and what they are interested in. That is what brings the high Adsense conversion rates.

Google is able to know exactly what a person is interested in based on the content of the websites, the frequent use of the keywords and allows you to capitalize on that. Google looks out for certain keywords and phrases and chooses for them the images or ads that they will be interested in. Used in the right way this can be more effective and efficient than the biggest, flashiest commercials on television.

The most expensive clicks are not necessarily the best. You will find some keywords that have a very high pay out per click, over $40-50 per click, but what good do those do you if those are rarely clicked. It doesn't matter how good you are at optimizing them, they just won't help you make money online all that well. Find words that people click a lot. It doesn't matter if they are under $20 or maybe even less than $10 per click. If you have thousands of clicks on those keywords, that is going to make you thousands more a day than those high pay out clicks that no one is really interested in. Use Google Trends or the Google Adwords Keywords tool to find words or phrases that are popular.

You also need to find Adsense keywords that are specific to get the highest adsense conversion. There are millions of users trying to find things on the Internet and all of them are going to have different ways of trying to find information. They are going to have very specific needs and will phrase their search in unique ways based on a number of different factors.

It could be due to them being in different demographic groups, geographical areas, or cultures. Research different groups and find ways that they might be searching for things, look for tendencies they have and exploit it. If you are trying to cater to a certain geographical region then tailor your keyword to match it. If you want to reach people in New York looking for a bookstore with a coffee shop then instead of just using 'bookstore coffee shop' use 'New York bookstore coffee shop'.

Strive to find keywords that have a good balance between the quality of the keyword as far as having a decent payout per click and a high possibility of people actually clicking on it. If you are able to optimize this and then your Adsense conversion rates and the success of your Adwords campaign will go through the roof instead of dropping through the floor.

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